
Alexander Subetto
Russian philosopher, founder of the concept of system-genetic philosophical science and technics. Candidate of technical sciences, Doctor of Economics, Doctor of Philosophy.
Professor of the department of philosophy and sociology of St.-Petersburg State Marine Technical University. Professor of the department of quality of education management of the Research centre for problems of quality of preparation of experts.Author of more than 1100 scientific and publicist works, including 65 scientific monographies, 4 experimental educational author's programmes, 110 books and brochures, co-author of the encyclopedic dictionary “Technical creativity”.
Honoured employee of science of the Russian Federation. An award and a silver medal named after N.D.Kondratyev of the International Fund of N.D.Kondratyev and the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. A silver medal named after academician P.L.Kapitsa of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, etc.