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Problems of the modern time. Axiodemia. Giloyan A.
Is a philosopher and a writer-futurologist.

Philosophy of political science. Axiodemia
Ph.D. in philosophical sciences, an associated professor at St.-Petersburg University...

XX World Russian People's Council "Russia and the West: the dialogue of peoples in search of answers to the challenges of civilization
Interview with Baburin Sergey Nikolayevich and Nikolayev Oleg Alexandrovich.
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Each person has probably asked oneself a question what he/she can expect in the future. Someone searched for an answer in religious beliefs, someone resorted to experience of science, someone tried to trust esoteric methods (fortune-telling, superstitions etc.).
Nowadays it is getting clear that people have chosen a false way of progress, because achievements of science and technology in many respects serve not to improvement of their life, but to destruction of life in the course of wars, dictatorship, crises.
State system
The geopolitics of the 20th century, unfortunately, has not become a lesson for the humankind. The humankind has passed the tests of two world wars, was on the threshold of conflicts with use of nuclear weapons … and has not learnt anything.
State system
The Axiodemical system of government represents a mechanism of functioning of the SSC (Supreme Supervisory Council) which serves as a tool to control the efficiency through a selective procedure of testing government officials, and thereby exercises direct protection of interests and values of the people.
Historically, there was no political system capable to implement "peace in the whole world". History and life show that states with authoritarian or totalitarian regime have stamped in the memory of humankind as samples of abuse of power, prosecution of innocent persons who do not accept the regime.
The political basis of the axiodemy is transformation of the democratic system and, as consequence of that, we believe that there is no need to radically change the existing standard and legal bases through implementation of the Axiodemy programmes in political, academic , land and family spheres. A human being by his nature cannot live without control, so he cannot do without the state either.
The purpose of the Academic project is the creation of a uniform world network with a common system of education and upbringing. Its primary activity and functioning comprises purely scientific and creative direction and a priori does not assume intervention in other spheres of life activity, but contributes to resolution of various social and political, economical, cultural and religious problems.
The project of land reform contributes to developing the economy, to reclamation of privately owned abandoned and redundant areas stimulates businessmen to self-improvement, development of own business and creation of new workplaces.
Land reform
The Axiodemic system assumes innovative constructions and change of architecture of the cities which have solutions for some problems of the industrial world in the form of interconnected networks of molecular structure. Population of these cities will be about one million.
The Supreme Supervisory Council is a state body in the Axiodemy system the purpose of which is to filter of elected members of legislation authorities on the basis of professional and personal qualities, theoretical knowledge, practicality and rationality of thinking.
State system
There are various scientific forecasts that in the near future only a small percentage of people will be able to continue their kin by the natural way due to psychological and physiological impairments and ecological crises.
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XX World Russian People's Council "Russia and the...
To get the best possible alternatives to above issues, just get in contact with Perspective...
admin 07:47, 16.07.2021
This support was later revealed to be known as Project xCloud, and it will allow...
Jason Beckham 15:54, 02.04.2019
Okay, but these questions they have to answer are testing just knowledge. How can you...
Martin 18:39, 23.01.2016
Many of your ideas about architecture are interesting, but is it not too much to...
Mark 11:52, 22.01.2016
I completely agree that we need a radical land reform, but how can you do...
Zoi 13:27, 21.01.2016
I can agree with the idea that science should be more important in our world....
Pavel 10:38, 21.01.2016
The three polar world in understandable, but I do not understand how you can reduce...
PJ 00:07, 21.01.2016
What kind of political system can ensure the peace and the will of the people?...
Guest 12:31, 19.01.2016
Business interests are steering much of the politics instead of the interests of the people,...
Martin 22:46, 18.01.2016
What education has been used for today? Are kids around the globe being educated to fit...
Vyom 14:30, 15.07.2015